YAY! You're in!
You've taken a big step in making your business marketing a priority and I can't WAIT
to see how you use your templates and make your Social Media the place to be!!
You are all signed up and we have been notified that your account is set up and running.
Your first set of templates will drop straight into your inbox on the 28th of the month -
but as a welcome bonus here's a few sneaky ones to start you off - just click the link below.
Don't forget to follow us on Instagram
and Facebook to see whats going on in our world.
Happy Creating!
Sophie x
Cancellation Policy
If you decide to leave us - (which we're fairly confident you won't!) you only have to give one months notice.
Just drop us an email and we'll arrange for the payments to stop the following month.
For example - If you choose to cancel on the 5th June, your subscription would end 1st August as your 1st July payment would still be due.